This article does not provide legal, or any professional advice. It is meant to provide information.
The housing crisis in Markham, Vaughan, and Richmond Hill continues to grow, leaving many individuals and families struggling to keep a roof over their heads. If you’re having difficulty paying rent, mortgage payments, or utilities, there are programs available in York Region designed to help low-income residents maintain stable housing. Whether you’re receiving social assistance or not, these resources could be the support you need to navigate challenging times.
Homelessness Prevention Program
This program is tailored for York Region residents who are at risk of homelessness but are not currently receiving Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits. The Homelessness Prevention Program provides financial assistance and other supports to stabilize housing situations and avoid eviction or utility disconnection. Eligible expenses include overdue rent, utility bills, moving costs, first and last month’s rent, and other housing-related needs. To apply, residents must meet income criteria and contact Access York for an appointment with the Salvation Army.
Housing Stability Program
For residents already receiving Ontario Works or ODSP, the Housing Stability Program offers critical support to address overdue rent, utility payments, and other housing costs. This program aims to help recipients maintain their housing and avoid further financial instability. Assistance is available once every two years and requires an appointment with a Housing Stability Worker who will assess eligibility and determine the type of support needed.
Additional Resources
If you’re interested in learning more about long-term solutions like subsidized housing, check out my YouTube video on subsidized housing for an in-depth look at provincial housing benefits and rent-geared-to-income programs.
Stay Connected
For more resources, tips, and guides, visit my website: Ontario Without Barriers. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this post if you found it helpful, and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more valuable content. Turn on notifications so you don’t miss next week’s video, where I’ll discuss additional tools and programs to support you in your housing journey.
Navigating the housing crisis can feel overwhelming, but with the right resources and support, you don’t have to do it alone. Take advantage of these programs and start working toward housing stability today.
Links for More Information:
1. Homelessness Prevention Program:
2. Housing Stability Program:
3. Subsidized Housing YouTube Video:
4. Ontario Without Barriers: